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Qilu Petrochemical successfully developed four new plastic products, all of which can replace import

Issuing time:2017-07-18 16:31

In August, Qilu Petrochemical successfully developed and produced four new products including "wide distribution metallocene polyethylene" in the plastics factory.

It is reported that these four new products fill the domestic gaps. Among them, "wide distribution metallocene polyethylene" is an upgraded product of the "high temperature resistant metallocene pipe material" that they successfully developed for the first time in the past few years, replaced imports, and quickly occupied the market. In addition, there are three new film materials.

A year ago, Qilu Petrochemical had developed and produced new resin products such as "wide distribution metallocene polyethylene". Since there was no production precedent in China and no experience to learn from, production was very difficult. In the exploratory production process, it "ran aground" twice.

Qilu Petrochemical senior management, the Science and Technology Department, and the plastics factory developers were not discouraged. They carefully summarized the lessons learned from the previous development, further explored and studied the characteristics of the new product catalyst and its production control parameters, and the factory and workshop repeatedly optimized the new product development plan to lay a solid foundation for successful development.

During the six days and six nights of trial production, the members of the development team, day and night, were almost all thinking about new product development. They work in groups of three, and some of them forget to go back to rest when it is time to take a break, until they are asked to "take a mandatory break".

Widely distributed metallocene polyethylene is the main product developed this time, and there are three film materials used in the packaging film field. It is reported that the substitution of imported products will have obvious social benefits, and its market benefits are relatively good, which will bring new opportunities and space for production enterprises to optimize product structure and create benefits.

The market has proved that the metallocene polyethylene pipe material previously developed by Qilu Petrochemical is a "baby product", and this upgrade is more likely to be a "market darling". This type of new product is mainly used in the field of building floor heating pipes. Since the development and production a few years ago, the factory has continuously improved product performance and quality, and its current market share exceeds 40%, replacing imports, and the product is in short supply when it is hot.

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ADD:No. 1188 Road, Science & Technology Industrial Park, Shengze Town, Suzhou City,Wujiang District,Jiangsu Province,China
